
To better capture some of the nuances related to past, ongoing, and upcoming Disclosure-related events – I decided to start a YouTube/Spotify podcast.

Disclosure Diaries
The most relevant updates regarding the public disclosure of Non-Human Intelligence, delivered to you without the BS.
Disclosure Diaries
Listen to Disclosure Diaries on Spotify. The most relevant verifiable & credible updates regarding the public disclosure of Non-Human Intelligence delivered to your ears on a regular basis, with no BS.

The Podcast has two primary themes:

  • Conversations with key figures in the disclosure discourse
  • Roundups of recent updates, based on the DD weekly updates

The goals of the podcast are as follows:

  1. Elevate the level of UAP discourse
  2. Destigmatise discourse surrounding the UAP topic
  3. Provide digestible and helpful resources for the broader public to get up to speed without being exposed to BS or dogma